If you decide to collaborate, you will have as an ally and partner Dr. Zornitsa Stefanova, one of Bulgaria’s first qualified Professional Master coaches and Master mentors.

Dr. Zornitsa Stefanova’s interests include working with business owners, entrepreneurs, and successful people (including coaching, mentoring, and training) since she understands their ambitions and aspirations. She has been a serial entrepreneur for 25 years and considers herself to be a successful, fulfilled, and happy person. Zornitsa enjoys spending time with her family. She does what she enjoys and is aware that she is valuable to others. Zornitsa now has time to pursue her interests and grow as a person and professional.
Dr. Zornitsa Stefanova has had a strong interest in personal development, particularly coaching and training, for the past ten years, and has collaborated with a variety of organizations on projects connected to successful personal development. She is a trained International Banking Institute trainer in Presentation Skills, Communication, Sales, and Time Management. She has volunteered as a mentor for the Elevon Fund, the Sofia University Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Central European University, Teaching for Bulgaria, and Compass Translation Services. At the start of her professional career, she worked as a tax consultant with PriceWaterhouseCoopers and Arthur Andersen. Dr. Zornitsa Stefanova’s qualifications as a coach, mentor, and economist may be found here.
“I believe that every person has the capacity and ability to achieve anything they truly desire from their heart in life,” Zornitsa says. Based not on what his partner, parents, employees, friends, neighbors, society, or taxpayers want, but on what his soul desires. I believe there is already enough knowledge available and that many people can make changes in areas of their lives that are unsatisfactory. Coaching is one successful method. What I do is work with successful individuals, people who are leaders in their own lives, people on whom many people and families rely, to help them reach their personal and professional goals more swiftly and efficiently.
After all of their success, why would they hire me as a coach?
Because they are aware that there is more to life for them. Such people are usually goal-oriented, value results, and are aware that there are things that slow them down or halt them. As a professional coach, I provide them with a different perspective, a new perspective, I challenge them, and I believe in things that they may have already stopped believing in themselves. I’ve been trained to retain their concentration on the goal, to signal when they stray, to get them back on course, and to trust them to achieve their objectives.
Why would you rely on me for coaching?
Each of my clients has a unique response. I am successful, self-assured, highly talented, a good partner, understanding and welcoming, tolerant, demanding, and having fun… Everyone I work with has a different answer. They also say they believe me because I believe in myself. To begin with. Then the results simply appear for the client—that, in my opinion, is the best testimonial. My clients are pleased with the outcomes of their coaching challenges with me. You may read testimonials here.
I’m Zornitsa Stefanova, Leadership Coach, and if you want to work with me for success, call me.”