PhD Thesis Zornitsa Stefanova
PhD Thesis of Dr. Zornitsa Stefanova’s “BENEFITS OF EXECUTIVE COACHING FOR PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL SELF-REALIZATION” with the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
PhD Thesis of Dr. Zornitsa Stefanova’s “BENEFITS OF EXECUTIVE COACHING FOR PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL SELF-REALIZATION” with the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
A distinct group of leaders is emerging as the vanguard of workplace transformation: mother-managers. In the contemporary business environment, empathy and emotional intelligence are increasingly beginning to tilt the scales towards successful leadership. Mother-managers are becoming increasingly prominent. I have…
Embark on a transformative exploration of ‘Relationship with Myself’. Gain insights into the art of self-connection, personal growth, and how to flourish in this journey of self-awareness.
Explore effective strategies to navigate the complex dynamics of deception in the workplace. Understand self-deception.
The 5 Keys to Wealth & Happiness – Tony Robbins motivation; (Must watch)
Believe in Your Self & Shift Your Focus – Tony Robbins Motivational Video
Tony Robbins: How To Train Your Emotions? (Motivational Video) Тони Робинс е синоним на мотивационни речи и личностно развитие. Срещу фразата „личностно развитие“ в речника може спокойно да стои неговото име и снимка. J Предлагам ви едно проникновено видео по…
Jim Rohn: The No Excuse Guide To Success (Jim Rohn Personal Development)
Jim Rohn Best Motivational Speech Use Your Own Mind, Think, & Make Good Decisions!